on selection, preparation
and storage
Fresh mushrooms are firm to the touch,
have uniform colour and have a slightly shiny surface.
When stored in a brown paper bag on the bottom shelf of the fridge, mushrooms will last at least a week. So when you’re shopping, fill the bag full of fresh mushrooms so you can add them to various meals throughout the week.
- No waste and no fuss make mushrooms one of the easiest ingredients to prepare.
- There is no need to peel mushrooms, apart from being time consuming a lot of goodness and flavour is in the skin.
- Wipe mushrooms gently with a damp cloth. If necessary, simply use a soft brush to remove any dirt from the skin surface and trim the stem end.
- If there is some residual compost still on the mushroom when you buy them, just brush it off. Do not soak mushrooms in water, as the mushrooms will absorb water. You can quickly wash whole mushrooms just before preparing a dish to remove the ‘dirt’. Dry them quickly soon after, before cooking or putting in a salad. Don’t wash sliced mushrooms because they will quickly absorb water through the exposed inner flesh.
- Caps and stems can be used in recipes.

Common name: Champignons
Botanical name: Agaricus bisporus
Buttons are the youngest and generally (but not always) the smallest. The name refers to their shape and stage of growth, not the size. The cap of the button mushroom is always tightly closed around the stem. They have a firm, delicate texture and mild flavour that intensifies when cooked.
Perfect for:
Common name: Pezizaceae
Botanical name: Agaricus bisporus
Cups present the next stage of growth. As the veils or caps begin to open around the stems, the mushrooms change from being buttons to cups. The texture is firm but their flavour and colour is more intense than button mushrooms.
A versatile mushroom, highly rated in soups and sauces.
Perfect for:
Common name: Field, Breakfast, Barbecue, Jumbo Flats
Botanical name: Agaricus bisporus
The cap has opened out flat, exposing the rich, dark gills. Flats are a meal in themselves and make an ideal meat substitute. Flats have an intense, robust, almost ‘meaty’ flavour, with a dense, spongy texture slightly softer than cups and buttons.
Perfect for:
Common name: Portobello, Giant Cremini
Botanical name: Agaricus bisporus
Essentially a Swiss Brown left longer to grow so it opens out flat, exposing dark, fragrant gills Dense, firm, meaty texture. Deep, rich flavour. Portobello make tasty burger or toasted sandwich filling. Filled with a savoury filling or simply grilled, roasted or barbecued.
Perfect for:
swiss brown
Common name: Cremini, Brown, Roman, Italian
Botanical name: Agaricus bisporus
Swiss Brown mushrooms are closely related to white agaricus. Similar in shape and size. Tan to dark brown colour. A firmer texture than button mushrooms, with less moisture content, so they hold their shape well when cooked. Flavour is deeper and earthier than white mushrooms.
Perfect for:
Common name: Black Fungus, Cloud Ear, Tree Ear
Botanical name: Auricularia polytricha
Available fresh in Australia, although generally used in a dried form that requires reconstituting. Gray-brown in colour and considered an essential ingredient in all Asian cooking. Firm, gelatinous texture. Very little flavour. Look for the Australian grown label.
Perfect for:
White Jelly
Common name: White Fungus,Snow Fungus
Botanical name: Tremella fuciformis
Generally used in Chinese cuisine it has a white jelly like flesh with a rubbery firm texture. Look for the Australian grown label.
Perfect for:
Common name: Pioppini, Beech, Hon-Shimeji
Botanical name: Lypohylium or Pleurotus species
A Japanese variety that grows naturally on fallen oak, beech and elm trees. Only one variety is cultivated and available fresh in Australia. Stems are almost white, with small brown-grey caps that become paler as the mushroom matures. Delicate, mildly sweet, nutty flavour. Look for the Australian grown label.
Perfect for:
Common name: Oak, Oak Brown, Golden Oak, Chinese Black, Black Winter, Oriental Black, Black Forest, Forest, Danko, Shiang Ku
Botanical name: Lentinus edodes
First cultivated in China before being introduced to Japan where they were cultivated on the shii tree from which their name is derived. Fresh shiitake mushrooms are now grown fresh in Australia. Broad, tan to dark brown umbrella-shaped cap with tan gills and slender stems. Soft spongy, texture with leathery stem with a distinctive aroma. Meaty flavour and texture when cooked. Look for the Australian grown label.
Perfect for:
Common name: Pleurotus, Pleurote, Tree Oyster, Abalone
Botanical name: Pleurotus osreatus
Fluted, oyster-shell shape. Numerous species/varieties ranging from pearly-white to yellow, pink, grey-brown and purplish-brown are available in Australia. Oyster mushrooms have a soft texture, with a succulent flesh. Can be eaten raw or cooked. Delicate, subtle flavour and velvety texture which rapidly absorbs other flavours during cooking. Look for the Australian grown label.
Perfect for:
Common name: Butter scotch Mushroom, Namerako
Botanical name: Pholliota nameko
Nameko is now being cultivated in Australia. The name refers to a sticky substance on the cap of the mushroom which contributes to the unique flavour of this mushroom. Nameko grows in clumps of small mushrooms with a white stem and bright orange to yellow cap. Look for the Australian grown label.
Perfect for:
King Brown
Common name: King Oyster, King Trumpet, Royal Trumpet, Eryngii
Botanical name: Pleurotus eryngii
Part of the oyster mushroom family, this is a new species cultivated in Australia. It has a ‘regal’ stout form, with short gills and thick tender stem. Tender yet dense texture. Rich, robust flavour. Remains firm and chewy when cooked. Look for the Australian grown label.
Perfect for:
Common name: Enok, Enokitake, Enokidake, Golden Needle, Golden, Snow Puff, Velvet Foot, Velvet Stem, Winter Mushrooms
Botanical name: Flammulina velutipes
Japanese origin, now grown in Australia. Beige to creamy white in colour, with long, thread-like, edible stems topped with a tiny button cap. Firm, crisp texture. Mild, fruity flavour. Must be cooked before consumption. Look for the Australian grown label.
Perfect for:
Chestnut Mushrooms
Common name: Cinnamon Cap and Brick Top
Botanical name: Agrocybe aergerita
One of the oldest species in the world, first cultivated by the Ancient Greeks. Light brown cap that sits open on the end of a slender, long, creamy-coloured stalk. Firm texture and strong, nutty flavour. Look for the Australian grown label.
Perfect for:
Common name: Blewit, Blu
Botanical name: Lepista nuda
Blewitts traditionally grow in leaf litter in cool-climate forests. Small quantities of commercially grown Blewitts are grown in Australia. Blue, purplish-blue streaked stem, topped with a smooth, light brown to lilac cap. Releases a pleasant aroma when the white flesh is cut. Dense, meaty texture. Powerful, earthy flavour. Look for the Australian grown label.
Perfect for:
Common name: Saffron Milk Caps, Orange Fly Caps, Red Pine Mushroom
Botanical name: Lactarius deliciosus
Commonly grow under pine trees during late summer to autumn, after warm sunny days and good rain. Often known as milky saffron, as they exude a milky orange sap when cut. Vibrant saffron-coloured cap, gills and stem. Firm texture. Full, roasted nut flavour. We do not recommend wild mushroom foraging, unless you are a trained mycologist.
Perfect for:
Slippery Jacks
Common name: Pine Bolete, sticky Bun
Botanical name: Suillus luteus
Wild variety gathered in forests and found only under pine trees late summer to autumn. Sticky, honey-like substance on the top gives the dark brown cap its ‘slippery’ appearance, with a honeycomb-looking underside. Moist spongy texture and mild flavour. We do not recommend wild mushroom foraging, unless you are a trained mycologist.
Perfect for:

Black fungus & white fungus
Common name: Cloud, Wood, Tree, Silver Ear
Primarily used to add a special texture to Asian dishes.
Reconstitute: Soak for 15–30 minutes in warm water. Drain well and pat dry with paper towel.
Characteristic: Cook quickly over high heat for a crisp texture.
Perfect for:
Common name: Cep, Bolete, King Bolete, Borowik, Steinpilze, Stensopp, Polish, Porcini
Botanical name: Boletus edulis
This is an entire family of wild mushrooms, gathered in the forests of Europe during the northern autumn, then dried and imported into Australia.
Reconstitute: Soak for 15 minutes in warm water. Add to casseroles or stews at the start of the cooking process.
Characteristic: Porcini is one of the most popular of the cepes.
Perfect for:
Common name: Egg, Girole, Girolle, Pfifferling
Botanical name: Canthaerellus cibarius
Popular edible wild mushrooms from Europe and North America.
Reconstitute: Soak for 15–20 minutes in warm water.
Characteristic: trumpet-shaped and have a strong apricot smell
Perfect for:
Common name: Hickory Chicken, Sponge Mushrooms
Botanical name: Morchella elata
European wild mushrooms with a hollow, honeycomb-like capsand a spongy texture.
Reconstitute: Rinse or wipe dried morels before soaking for 15–20 minutes.
Characteristic: Rich, earthy flavour. Best used in sauces and slow-cooked dishes.
Perfect for:
Common name: Cep, Penny Bun
Botanical name: Boletus edulis
One of the most popular of the Cep mushrooms
Reconstitute: Soak for 15 minutes in warm water. Add to ragouts, stews and risottos at the start of the cooking process.
Characteristic: Rich, meaty flavour.
Perfect for:
Common name: Black Chinese Mushrooms, Oak, Oak Brown, Golden Oak, Chinese Black, Black Winter, Oriental Black, Black Forest, Forest, Danko, Shiang Ku
Botanical name: Lentinus edodes
Ideal for Asian dishes.
Reconstitute: Soak in warm water for up to 30 minutes. Strain the soaking water and add to the dish to intensify flavour.
Characteristic: Intensely flavoured.
Perfect for:

Botanical name: Tuber aestivum (black) and Tuber magnatum (white)
Edible fungus which is not technically a mushroom. Grows at the roots of specially inoculated oak trees, 5cm–30cm below the ground. Most truffles are imported from the forests of Europe, although black truffle plantations have been established around Australia.
Characteristic: Canned or fresh, truffles are expensive. Highly perishable; use fresh truffles within 1–2 days of purchase.
Perfect for:
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