Place tuna with the oil from the can in a medium bowl and mash with a fork. Finely chop baby capers and add them to the bowl along with the chopped chives. Mix well to form a rough paste.
Slice mushrooms finely. Spread bread slices with mayonnaise. Arrange half of the sliced mushrooms on two bread slices. Top with the tuna paste and extra mushrooms. Top with rocket leaves and the remaining bread slice.
*Note: you can use button or cup mushrooms in this recipe, you will need double the amount of button mushrooms as they are smaller. We used cups the size of a 50c coin. You can use tuna in spring water, strained well and mashed with 2 tablespoons olive oil.
Place tuna with the oil from the can in a medium bowl and mash with a fork. Finely chop baby capers and add them to the bowl along with the chopped chives. Mix well to form a rough paste.
Slice mushrooms finely. Spread bread slices with mayonnaise. Arrange half of the sliced mushrooms on two bread slices. Top with the tuna paste and extra mushrooms. Top with rocket leaves and the remaining bread slice.
*Note: you can use button or cup mushrooms in this recipe, you will need double the amount of button mushrooms as they are smaller. We used cups the size of a 50c coin. You can use tuna in spring water, strained well and mashed with 2 tablespoons olive oil.